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Table of Contents


DescriptionIntended UserURIMethodRequest ParametersRequest BodyResponse Body
Create and send email membership invitation containing an invitation link. The link will contain a serialized administrator/emailMembershipInvitationPOSTportalEndpointEmailMembershipInvitationEmailMembershipInvitation
Retrieve pending email membership invitation by administrator/emailMembershipInvitation/{id}GET----EmailMembershipInvitation
Retrieve pending email membership invitations from a administrator/team/{id}/emailMembershipInvitationsGETlimit, offset--PaginatedResults<EmailMembershipInvitation>
Delete and invalidate pending email membership administrator/emailMembershipInvitation/{id}DELETE------

Starts the process of creating a new account, similarly to POST /account/emailValidation, but also the process of associating a membership invitation to the new account. Sends a 'validation email' message to the provided email address. The email contains a link to complete the registration process.

The link will contain a serialized EmailValidationSignedToken (used for new account registration) and a serialized EmailMembershipInvitationId (used to create membership invitation).

Intended to be used in conjunction with POST /account.


Send an identity verification email to the address associated with the provided EmailMembershipInvitation. The link contains a serialized InviteeVerificationSignedToken.

authenticated user/emailMembershipInvitation/{id}/verificationPOSTportalEndpoint----

Create a MembershipInvitation. The invitation is created from the team associated with the given email membership invitation to the currently authenticated user.

At least one of the following conditions must be met in order for this service to succeed:

  • One of the authorized user's email addresses is the same as the email address in the given EmailMembershipInvitation.
  • A valid InviteeVerificationSignedToken (IVST) was passed in as a parameter. (IVST.inviteeId == authenticated user's ID && IVST.emailInvitationId == resource URL {id})

Doesn't send any email notifications.

authenticated user/emailMembershipInvitation/{id}/membershipInvitationPOST



