Goal | Alice wants to invite Bob to join her Synapse team. |
Primary actor | Alice. |
Secondary actors | Bob. |
Precondition | Alice has created a team and she is at her team's page. |
Success end | Bob joins the team, or Alice cancels the invitation to Bob. |
| - Alice invites Bob to join her team by entering his email address and an optional invitation message.
- System sends Bob an email containing an invitation link to join Alice's team.
- Bob clicks on the invitation link.
- Bob reaches a registration/sign in page and creates his new Synapse account.
- System adds Bob's account to Alice's team.
Error scenarios | 1. The email addresses entered by Alice doesn't exist. - System sends an email to Alice to notify her of the problem.
- Alice tries again with a different email address.
Alternative scenarios | 2. System detects that the email address entered already has a Synapse account associated with it, presumably it's Bob's account. - System sends Bob a membership invitation to Alice's team.
- Bob accepts the invitation and joins Alice's team.
3. Alice decides not to collaborate with Bob anymore and wants to cancel her invitation. - Alice navigates to her team's page and clicks on the remove button associated with the pending invitation to Bob.
- System invalidates the invitation link sent to Bob.
- The link Bob received is no longer valid and directs to an error page.
4a. Bob already has a Synapse account associated with a different email address and is already signed in in his browser. - System adds Bob's account to Alice's team.
4b. Bob already has a Synapse account associated with a different email address but isn't signed in. - Bob clicks on "Sign in" and signs in with his existing account.
- System adds Bob's account to Alice's team.
5. Bob clicked on the invitation link a long time* after it was issued. (* definition of long time to be specified)
System sends a membership request to Alice's team instead of directly adding Bob to Alice's team.
No, we shouldn't allow reverse searches because user email addresses aren't public.
In progress
View file |
name | invite-new-user-mockup.pdf |
height | 250 |
In progress